
Specials and Promotions promotions and specials on furnace and air conditioning

At Acumen Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning we only run specials. promos or giveaways when they are truly that. We don’t hide dollars in other products and give away another product like some of our loud competitors out there. Seldom in life is anything FREE.

We believe in offering our customers fair value for the work we perform without deception. Our prices reflect our business model and the view to being around to service our customers well into the future. We wont bully you into purchasing any of our services.

When we run a promotion, special or giveaway we are doing so because we have received that incentive from a manufacturer or supplier and have directly passed the savings on to you.

We provide free of charge:

  • In home consultation on your heating and cooling needs
  • In home consultation on Indoor Air Quality issues IAQ
  • Over the Phone, emails or text message technical assistance.